Katie Wood | Crowheart Creative

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What Are You Resisting?

When you have been excited about something for a long time and you’re on the cusp of making a big move, you’ll probably experience resistance in your actions and beliefs. The way it shows up can be sneaky because it can seem like we don’t have any part in it, but often times we’re unknowingly sabotaging our own actions.

Change and growth can be SUPER uncomfortable, so instead of just recognizing that discomfort, our brains do a great job of throwing up all sorts of barriers and excuses (aka resistance) to keep us exactly where we’re at.

This could look like:

  • procrastination or stalling

  • suddenly being “super busy”

  • making other things a priority

  • being late

  • multi-tasking (scattered energy, no focus)

  • getting sick

  • blaming someone else (“I’m just waiting on them.”)

  • …and a whole slew of other things.

So, if you’re finding that resistance is showing up for you, check out the 4 questions to ask to get yourself to create some movement again.

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How does resistance show up for you? Let me know in the comments!