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Spotlight: Sophie Danison


Spotlight: Sophie Danison

Sophie is a freelance filmmaker and film editor, videographer, and photographer. She’s inspired by mountains, rivers, wildflowers, rocks and wild humans wandering out there. She believes the power of storytelling is infinite, and creativity flows best with some fresh air and laughs. Preferring projects with an environmentally and/or socially conscious spin, big or small, she believes change starts with awareness. She’s driven by curiosity, and feels most alive in the splash of a perfect whitewater wave, in the deepest fluffiest powder turn, laughing to tears with friends, and amidst the wildest story.


Spotlight: Hannah Brooks


Spotlight: Hannah Brooks

Hannah Brooks is a Relationship Coach for smart, sensitive women who want a more loving relationship but find themselves easily upset with their partner. They’re tired of feeling resentful, disconnected, and lonely. She helps them reconnect with their partner and create the intimate, supportive, and peaceful relationship they really want so they can feel appreciated and on the same team for life. 

When I first started working with Hannah, the immediate warmth and ease I felt with her made me realize that she was naturally gifted at creating a safe space for her clients to explore the often difficult topic of a disconnected relationship. But after hearing more and more about the great results her clients were getting from working with her, I knew that she was a really powerful coach, too, armed with tools and insights for creating big, life-changing results for her clients’ relationships.


Spotlight: Martha Lewis


Spotlight: Martha Lewis

Martha Lewis is a sleep coach for loving parents who are exhausted and frustrated because their baby or toddler isn't sleeping. She help parents all over the country to get their children sleeping so the whole family can get the sleep they need to thrive instead of just survive. Just check out the success stories on Martha’s website, and you get the idea that this kind of work is life-changing for parents! She shares a bit of her journey below.


Spotlight: Monica Purington

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Spotlight: Monica Purington

Monica Purington is the Chief Toxin Hater at Wellness, marketing director for Rex Specs, and avid mountain adventurer. If there’s one thing I know about Monica, it’s that determination is in her blood. Whether it’s a slope she’s skiing or a creative project she’s working on, she’ll push herself in impressive ways. As she says, “I’m obsessed with productivity whether it's watching sales go up or gaining miles in the mountains - I can't stop moving!” Here’s a little more about her journey into entrepreneurship.

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Spotlight: Audie Cunningham


Spotlight: Audie Cunningham

Audie Cunningham is a surface design and pattern designer, specializing in hand drawn and hand painted florals. Her art blends gorgeous rich colors and thoughtful designs that I personally can't get enough of! After her designs leave her small studio in Wyoming, they're digitized for commercial applications and manufacturing uses, so you might just see her work on a dress in Target or sheets in Nordstrom one day! 


3 Steps to Making Sure You're Doing the Right Work


3 Steps to Making Sure You're Doing the Right Work

You’ve been working harder than ever. Putting all your energy into your creativity and checking tons off the to-do list. You’ve been in the flow, that elusive and magical state of “being in the zone”. Yet, you don’t seem to be progressing toward your goal as quickly as you’d like and it’s starting to feel confusing and frustrating…

Here’s the thing. It can be really hard to figure out what's really the right work.


Spotlight: Fernanda Bertrand


Spotlight: Fernanda Bertrand

Fernanda Bertrand is a interior designer who works with people to help them design a home that truly reflects who they are. Her clients tend to know what they like and dislike as far as style goes, but they have a hard time putting it together so that it's both beautiful and functional. When I first started working with Fernanda, it was immediately obvious to me that her approachability and warmth gives her clients the reassurance and ease they want throughout the design process, and her skills and aesthetic delivers amazing results!


Spotlight: Rose Ludwig


Spotlight: Rose Ludwig

Rose Ludwig is a transformational nurse and health coach who helps women over 40 to reduce and sometimes even reverse the symptoms of autoimmune and digestion disorders. Her work allows her clients to embrace the next chapter in their lives with a body that supports them rather than holding them back. Rose helps them move away from overwhelm, frustration and fear over the future of their health and move toward being empowered, vibrant, and feeling great in their own skin.


Spotlight: Collin McRae Leix


Spotlight: Collin McRae Leix

Collin McRae Leix is an illustrator and animator based in Ypsilanti, Michigan. She oozes both creativity and thoughtfulness in everything she does (at least as far as I can tell!), and her animations reflect as much. Collin discusses her journey as an artist and business owner, what keeps her going, and what she's up to next: 


Spotlight: Anna Vanuga

Spotlight: Anna Vanuga

Anna Vanuga is an artist based in Emigrant, Montana. She has a infectious laugh, and a talent for creating art that speaks to the soul. She shares a bit of her journey--the ups and downs, inspirations and next steps--below: