When you’re in charge of managing your time and your projects, you might get to the end of the week and think “where did the time go?! What have I even done this week?”

At least I know how that’s how some weeks feel to me!

It’s easy to have one week blend with another, and let projects get stretched out further than you’d like. It can be hard to keep yourself on track sometimes.

That’s why I really think tracking your actions is important (more on that here). But I also think a quick weekly reflection can really help you to get clear on what’s working and what needs work.

Here are the three questions I like to ask myself weekly.

What were my wins?

Sometimes this is SUPER easy to answer. New client! New sales! 25 new subscribers! Other weeks trying to figure out your wins feels a whole lot harder which is when it’s even more important to dig deep and figure it out.

It might be that you finally had that hard conversation with a client. Maybe you just reached out to someone in your network and invited them to coffee. Perhaps you caught up on your bookkeeping.

Whatever it is, be sure to find something that was a win for the week and write it down.

What did I learn?

There’s always some gold here! What did you learn about yourself this week? About your customers’ needs? About what you’re really good at? Or what needs some attention?

Did you realize after looking at your analytics that your website traffic has gone way down? Have you uncovered a new customer hesitation that you need to address on your website? Maybe you simply learned that you’d love to do more Facebook lives.

Take some time to reflect on the things you’ve learned this week.

What’s important next?

Onward! We win, we learn, and we keep going. Sometimes the proceeding questions make answering this one easy. Other times asking “what’s important next” might make your brain hurt…but if that’s the case than it’s especially important you do it.

Take a minute and get clear on what’s important for your business next. There might be a course correction to make, a new priority to attend to, or just a reminder to hunker down and do the work.

Regardless, asking this question always helps me hit the reset button and remember that I can always make the NEXT right move…even if my previous one wasn’t perfect.

What do you think? What questions do you ask as part of your reflections? What helps you get clear on your next move?

Like these sorts of tips and insights? There’s more where that came from!
