I don't know about you, but I've been talking to a lot of people who are feeling completely spent (because, 2020). Sure, they have good days, but by and large, they're drained. 

They're tired of figuring out new ways to operate in their businesses. Exhausted by the news. Stressed from the added pressures they're dealing with at home.

It's a LOT. 

What makes it worse is that it feels like there are so many decisions to make on a daily basis.

Whether or not you're feeling the heaviness of life right now, you can probably benefit from spending a few minutes to figure out what you can do to free up just a little bit more brain space and create some ease in your life.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself:

  1. What can I put on autopilot? 

  2. What decisions can I make later?

  3. What can come off my plate?

  4. What's helping right now?

  5. What's not helping?

Spend just a few minutes writing down the answers to these questions to see what possible solutions come up. 

  • Are there are tasks around the house you can delegate to your kids, partner, or roommate?


  • Maybe you'll realize that you actually don't need to make a decision about X until July 30th. Mark your calendar to remind yourself to revisit the decision then. 


  • Perhaps you'll find that reading all of the news is not helping right now...what boundaries can you put in place?


  • Can you sign up for some automatic deliveries or weekly services that will take the pressure off?


  • What rituals or routines are making your world a little bit brighter? How can you make more space for those things? 


  • Are there little tasks that you can hire out? (I hired a freelance on Fiverr last week and I nearly cried tears of joy when just a few hours later I got back a project that I'd been putting off for weeks!)

The point here is that sometimes we just need a little bit more space in our brains. We can do it by taking decisions off of our plates, automating them, delegating them, or deciding they weren't that important, to begin with. 

Making a few decisions now, asking for just a bit of help, and getting super clear on what's really important now can make a BIG difference. 
