A while back I purchased a $60 planner thinking it would be the solution to help me finally get organized. It truly was an amazing planner with all sorts of features and sections...but ultimately it ended up collecting dust.

It felt like such a task just to fill it all out, so most days I didn't even open it. Eventually, I realized that the design put me into overload space...it was just too much for me.

Now, I keep my weekly task planning super simple. Pen and paper. Just what I need to do that week.

Sure, I also spend time each quarter looking at the big picture and planning for larger projects. However, the way I actually get it done is with just two tools:

1) My 2 page planning template (one page to brain dump, one page to plan, quick reflections at the end)

2) My Google calendar to "make it official" and keep track of appointments

Simplicity for the win!

In case you've been trying to get more organized but have been feeling stuck with what to use—or overwhelmed with something that feels like too much—I’d love to share a different way to go…starting from simplicity.

First: Watch this quick video on the 2 page template I use and how I use it:

Second: Enter your email address to download the planning template (+ receive my weekly pep talks and resources):


Looking for additional food for thought and tools relating to planning your time? Check out this post: Get It All Done With A Time Management Plan
