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Need Permission? Granted!


Need Permission? Granted!

There were so many great conversations with rad business owners, but I found an interesting theme came up over and over again: people want permission to do the thing they want to do. Whether it's structuring packages in a way that feels good to them, doubling their prices, or working only from 2-8pm, the women I talked to KNEW what they wanted and what would feel really good...but they also wanted permission to do it. 


The Beyonce Perspective

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The Beyonce Perspective

I'm not one to drop Beyonce into business discussions very often, but this week it happened twice. I referenced 'Yonce (if you will) to highlight the flaws in the beliefs we have about what will "probably happen." 

Belief #1: If I do the thing that I really want to do (and that I love to do and am really good at), I'll end up hating it. 

Belief #2: If I'm not perfect and put together from the get-go, no one will want to work with me ever. I have to start out super "dialed." 

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Why You Feel Like Your Head Is Going to Explode


Why You Feel Like Your Head Is Going to Explode

You're spending lots of time and energy on building your business, and it's starting to feel like your head might explode. Your mental energy is constantly being taken up by this business and you're wondering "will I feel like this forever?" 

Because if that's the case, you might just cut and run now!

Knowing why you're feeling this way and how it's going to shift will help you push through the hard times. Essentially it boils down to two main things: 


Q&A: If my work is good enough, shouldn't it sell itself?


Q&A: If my work is good enough, shouldn't it sell itself?

If you've felt resistant to promoting your work or advocating for yourself, know that it's totally natural! We're actually TAUGHT early on in school that you can just keep your head down and do good work, and you'll get the recognition or validation that your work is "good enough"  through good grades. 


Why You Need To Marry Your Business


Why You Need To Marry Your Business

Just like relationships, there are three basic phases of business: dating, getting engaged, and getting married. Here's why getting married to your business, metaphorically speaking, will shift both what you do and how you feel.


Daily Reminders for When Things Get Tricky


Daily Reminders for When Things Get Tricky

I've also found that a few gentle reminders can really help me move through the times that I'm spinning my wheels mentally and emotionally. I keep a small collection of sticky notes on my computer that provide a little perspective, or just help to reassure me that it's going to be okay.