Katie Wood | Crowheart Creative

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Spotlight: Hannah Brooks

Spotlight is a series that features a past or current client of mine or someone I’ve collaborated with in some capacity, as they share a bit of their story, their talents, their insights, and their process with you. You might learn something from their journey, or you might just discover an amazing new business!

Hannah Brooks is a Relationship Coach for smart, sensitive women who want a more loving relationship but find themselves easily upset with their partner. They’re tired of feeling resentful, disconnected, and lonely. She helps them reconnect with their partner and create the intimate, supportive, and peaceful relationship they really want so they can feel appreciated and on the same team for life. 

When I first started working with Hannah, the immediate warmth and ease I felt with her made me realize that she was naturally gifted at creating a safe space for her clients to explore the often difficult topic of a disconnected relationship. But after hearing more and more about the great results her clients were getting from working with her, I knew that she was a really powerful coach, too, armed with tools and insights for creating big, life-changing results for her clients’ relationships.

Hannah shares more about her business journey below.

What drew you to the work you're doing now?

I grew up in a family that really struggled when it came to love and marriage- unfortunately like many of us. I wasn’t modeled healthy relationships. But I always knew deep down that love was one of the strongest, most beneficial forces, and that it could override the challenges we feel in our relationships, if only we could get out of our own way. I distinctly remember when I was a child my parents asking “what is the most important thing in life?” My brothers said sunshine and water. I said “love”. I went on to study psychology, and mind-body healing for many years.

I married young and struggled with feeling lonely and disconnected from my husband, despite my studies in mental-emotional wellbeing.  With two kids, we found  we were always stressed and depleted. We eventually divorced, and remain true friends. It was during this separation process that I discovered the term Highly Sensitive Person, and that I am one. It’s a neurological difference that is found in 20% of people, and it has some significant effect on how we process information, feel, behave, and even what we choose as career (many artist and entrepreneurs are HSPs!) and therefore effects everything in our lives to a degree. 

When I learned about this I realized it was a huge factor in the breakdown of my first marriage. I began to learn about how to manage this trait in a really healthy way. I also began life coaching school just as my marriage was ending. I realized how much power I had in my life and relationships, and that it doesn’t just happen to me. I recognized how much I contributed in so many way to the disintegration of my marriage. And how much I could affect our current relationship and all the other ones I created in my life.

When I met my second husband, I entered that relationship a new women, one who was confident, truly loving and accepting, with honed skills to navigate the inevitable changes that life and love bring. All my life I had felt called towards something important. I just hadn’t known what it was. 

It was being in this incredible relationship that finally showed me why I am here: to help other sensitive women navigate their intimate relationship, so they can have the loving partnership they’ve always wanted.

What do you like most about your work?

I live for the moments my clients have a big aha! and are filled with a sigh of relief. When she reports back to me that she feels so much more calm and steady and confident in herself; that her husband is being affectionate after months or years of not; or when she tells me how fun and full of sweet moments things have been. 

What have been the biggest “a-ha” moments in your business journey so far?    

That self-doubt is a normal part of the process of change and growth—even and especially in business.  That I don’t have to fall prey to it. I can consciously “ build belief” in myself, and put myself into a space of more confidence and courage, and that will help me do the scary things—and that, in turn, will bring me more confidence and belief in myself and the work I’m doing. That enables me to truly help more women who really want and need help with their relationship. Essentially, I can keep choosing to get my own fearful self out of the way in order to be of greater service to the women and families I’m here to help.

Any big goals on the horizon?

As an HSP, balancing raising my 3 boys, maintaining an amazing marriage, and running my own business is a big goal in itself! But what I’m dedicated to this year is making my relationship coaching program, Unleash Your Love, even better than it already is. I want it to be the most powerful and transformative program available (it may actually be the only one!) for sensitive women who are ready for major improvements in their relationships.

How do you overcome the hard stuff? What motivates you to keep going?

My passion. My desire to be of service on this planet, to make a difference, however small. My belief in the importance of healthy, mature, respectful relationships. How they can and will change the world.  Luckily, as life and relationship coach, I understand in depth how to handle hard emotions. That certainly helps when my relationship with my work feels challenging. I just call on those emotional skills.

How do you manage your time when working for yourself? Do you have any routines or morning rituals that you swear by?

I struggled for a long time to fall into a morning routine, but it was working with Katie that finally got me into one. Her little morning routine map was pivotal for me because it was short, powerful, and involved a hot beverage! :) Now I follow it, along with more extensive self-coaching some mornings, to a T daily. The rest of the day and week I have a pretty set schedule, that’s mostly non-negotiable, where I show up and focus. My challenge has been not being able to easily STOP working on my days off. I’m working on my work boundaries! 

What do you hope to be known for in the long run?

Someone who has helped 1000s of sensitive women feel at peace and in love with who they are, and in love with their relationship with their partner, imperfections and all.

You can find Hannah at:

Website: http://www.lifeisworthloving.com

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/hannahbrookslovecoach/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lifeisworthloving/  

or join her free Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/rekindlingconnectionforlastinglove/

Grab her free toolkit: 3 Essential Steps to a More Loving Relationship, Even When You Feel Irritable, Resentful, or Disconnected